Wednesday 6 August 2008

Bruker BioSpin 1.7mm MicroCryoProbe™ Wins R&D 100 Award For Delivering A Tenfold Jump In NMR Sensitivity For Small Sample Amounts

A 2008 R&D C Award has been presented to Bruker BioSpin for its 1.7mm triple resonance NMR MicroCryoProbe� with breakthrough sensitivity on an active intensity of just 30 microliters. The 1.7mm MicroCryoProbe� together with the MRI CryoProbe� are two innovations from Bruker BioSpin selected by the independent judgement panel and editors of R&D Magazine in 2008 for this prestigious award.

This novel MicroCryoProbe� offers an increase in mass predisposition of more than an order of magnitude, which makes the 1.7 mm MicroCryoProbe� an ideal tool for any Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analysis with limited sample amounts, e.g. natural products, drug metabolites, isolated low abundance proteins, peptides or small molecules, or difficult-to-express proteins.

Conventional room temperature NMR microprobes with 5 and 30 micro liter volumes feature become popular in areas such as natural products chemistry, drug metabolism, protein NMR and drug cover applications. The introduction of a cryogenically cooled MicroCryoProbe� is of significant importance for researchers working with very limited sample quantities, e.g. natural products isolated in minute quantities from a variety of organisms, or protein samples that make been prepared in small scale expression systems.

The substantial increase in sensitivity is achieved by cryogenically cooling both sleuthing coil and preamplifier together with proprietorship high-sensitivity electronics design. For a granted sample amount, a 6-fold gain over a established 1.7 mm microprobe and around a 10-14-fold gain over a conventional 5 mm probe are obtained. This can lead to a 200-fold reducing in experiment time, or alternatively it fundamentally enables NMR research with very low sample quantities that previously would simply non have been possible or practical.

"Bruker's MicroCryoProbe� offers unbelievable mass predisposition, and enables us to obtain information on natural product sampling obtained from a single sea mollusk that we collected 15 years agone but were unable to acquire NMR data on because of insufficient sampling amount. Now with the 1.7mm MicroCryoProbe� we've solved the structures of these molecules," said Ted Molinski, Professor at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of California San Diego.

"Many of our customers have urged us to develop a MicroCryoProbe�," aforementioned Mr. Oskar Schett, a Managing Director of Bruker BioSpin. "It was assoil that afterward the successes of both our 5mm CryoProbes and our conventional microprobes a combination of the 2 technologies was the following logical measure to further lower the detection limits of NMR for the characterization of many samples that were considered not measurable by NMR".

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